What We Do

We are driven by the SDGs..

Why The Issue Is Important?

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal Malnutrition's Impact

Maternal malnutrition contributes significantly to stunting, improving maternal nutrition can reduce stunting by up to 20% (WHO)

Indonesia's Stunting Burden

In 2020, 149 million children worldwide experienced stunting, 6.3 million in Indonesia

Lifetime Consequences

Children under 5 years of age who experience stunting tend to have lower learning abilities and PISA scores

Adolescent Mental Health

High Risk of Depression

61% of Indonesian youth experience suicidal thoughts. Only 10.4% receives treatment.

Hidden Crisis

Estimated Suicide Cases in Indonesia are much higher than reported, underreporting rate reaches 303%.

Sustainable Food Systems

The current farming and food system is not environmentally friendly.

Unsustainable Food System

  • Land degradation affects 25% of Indonesian land

  • Indonesia is top 3 global pesticide user (283 kilotons in 2021).

Agritech Opportunity

  • Agroecology for sustainable, safe, and inclusive food systems.
  • Agritech has the potential to add $350 billion to global food production (McKinsey)
  • Opportunities include advancements in aquaculture, biodiversity initiatives such as agroforestry, and the development of agro-friendly technologies.

Indonesia's waste volume

Waste Volume in Indonesia

  • Higher than neighbors despite lower GDP per capita (UNEP, 2017)
  • Only 30% of waste properly managed (SYSTEMIQ)

Agritech Opportunity

  • 42% Organic (potential for composting/bioenergy)
  • 33% Metal, Paper, Plastic (recycling potential)

Challenge = Opportunity

Invest in waste solutions for healthier, more sustainable future.



Synergy Building 8, 2nd Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 48, Gambir, Gambir District, RT.11/RW.02, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10110

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