Maternal malnutrition contributes significantly to stunting, improving maternal nutrition can reduce stunting by up to 20% (WHO)
Indonesia's Stunting Burden
In 2020, 149 million children worldwide experienced stunting, 6.3 million in Indonesia
Lifetime Consequences
Children under 5 years of age who experience stunting tend to have lower learning abilities and PISA scores
Adolescent Mental Health
High Risk of Depression
61% of Indonesian youth experience suicidal thoughts. Only 10.4% receives treatment.
Hidden Crisis
Estimated Suicide Cases in Indonesia are much higher than reported, underreporting rate reaches 303%.
Sustainable Food Systems
The current farming and food system is not environmentally friendly.
Unsustainable Food System
Land degradation affects 25% of Indonesian land
Indonesia is top 3 global pesticide user (283 kilotons in 2021).
Agritech Opportunity
Agroecology for sustainable, safe, and inclusive food systems.
Agritech has the potential to add $350 billion to global food production (McKinsey)
Opportunities include advancements in aquaculture, biodiversity initiatives such as agroforestry, and the development of agro-friendly technologies.
Indonesia's waste volume
Waste Volume in Indonesia
Higher than neighbors despite lower GDP per capita (UNEP, 2017)
Only 30% of waste properly managed (SYSTEMIQ)
Agritech Opportunity
42% Organic (potential for composting/bioenergy)
33% Metal, Paper, Plastic (recycling potential)
Challenge = Opportunity
Invest in waste solutions for healthier, more sustainable future.
(021) 21201000
Synergy Building 8, 2nd Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 48, Gambir, Gambir District, RT.11/RW.02, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10110