Growing Space: Collaboration between Temasek Foundation and BUMN Foundation in Addressing Stunting in Indonesia
Yayasan BUMN
On July 5, 2024, Temasek Foundation and BUMN Foundation officially established a partnership to support sustainability and health in Indonesia through the signing of an MoU at Gedung Sarinah, Jakarta. The concrete form of this partnership is Temasek Foundation as a partner in an innovative program called “Ruang Tumbuh,” which aims to address the issue of stunting by optimizing the function of Posyandu to become a more comprehensive center for child growth and development.
“Ruang Tumbuh” is designed to provide health services, education, and support for parents, especially in efforts to overcome stunting. Through a holistic approach, this program brings together various needs in one place so that Posyandu is not only a place to weigh children, but also an empowerment center for families and children.
On 7 November 2024, three months since its inception, Temasek Foundation visited one of the Ruang Tumbuh Posyandu in RW 03 Pegangsaan Dua, North Jakarta. The visit was attended directly by Usha, Temasek Foundation Program Director, and Tiffany, Program Manager. Usha expressed her amazement at the progress that had been achieved in a short time.

“I am very impressed with Ruang Tumbuh. In just three months, this program has had a tremendous impact on the community, and the construction process was also fast, only about two weeks, that is a very extraordinary thing.”
Usha – Program Director Temasek Foundation
"We hope that this program can be continued by the Indonesian government," he added.
The program is implemented in two pilot locations selected by considering the specific needs of the community, namely in South Jakarta and North Jakarta. With the support and commitment of the Temasek Foundation, this program is expected to be a model for other Posyandu to provide more comprehensive and family-friendly services.

The collaboration between the BUMN Foundation and the Temasek Foundation is a real step in realizing a modern Posyandu that is relevant and beneficial for the health of Indonesian children, as well as preparing a healthier and more sustainable future.