"Pikiran Terbaik Negeri" is a grant competition initiated by the Yayasan BUMN incollaboration with an impact investment ecosystem that includes both domestic and international venture capital (VC) firms, along with global media partners who help expand the program’s reach and engage social entrepreneurs and innovators across Indonesia. 

The primary objective of the Pikiran Terbaik Negeri program is to identify, mentor, and develop social entrepreneurs capable of delivering tangible impact—not only improving the lives of Indonesians but also supporting environmental sustainability. The program awards grants to 20 social entrepreneurs.

Activity Pikiran Terbaik Negeri

Grand Final Pitching

Showing 20 Selected Social Entrepreneurship Innovations and choose 3 best to get grant addition.


Training for provide knowledge and skills important for selected Social Entrepreneurs.

Implementation of Social Innovation

Innovation Project Implementation from Selected Social Entrepreneurs to achieve impact and goals.

Final Showcase

Showcasing selected Social Entrepreneur innovations with stories of change and the impact achieved.

20 Social Entrepreneurs Best Minds of the Nation 2024

Gallery Pikiran Terbaik Negeri

Achievements Best Minds of the Nation 2024

Sponsored by

Outreach Partners

State-Owned Enterprise Venture Capital

Media Partners

Sponsored by

Media Partners

Outreach Partners

Venture Capital Partners



Synergy Building 8, 2nd Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 48, Gambir, Gambir District, RT.11/RW.02, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10110

Copyright@ by BUMN Foundation
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Arconesia initiated the Oil Palm-Watermelon Intercropping Project, an initiative that integrates watermelon in oil palm land that is replanting. The replanting period is a challenge for farmers' livelihoods because it can last up to 3 years. Understanding this problem, Arconesia helps farmers remain economically empowered by absorbing watermelon harvests from the intercropping system with oil palm so that farmers continue to receive monthly income.
  • 53 Farmers in Air Putih Village and Fajar Baru Village in North Bengkulu and Bengkulu City received training in intercropping watermelon and oil palm.
  • 93% Increased Income Farmers intercropping in a demonstration garden.
  • 15 Women In Fajar Baru Village, North Bengkulu, they got jobs and experienced an increase in income of up to 100% because previously they did not have jobs.
  • Improve soil pH to neutral pH 6-7.


Bell Living Lab launched the Green Circle Steps program, a training and empowerment initiative for coffee farmers in the Cilengkrang area, Bandung, West Java, which aims to improve farmers' skills and awareness of coffee waste management and sustainable cultivation.
Through this program, farmers are encouraged to manage coffee waste such as skin and cascara independently so that it can later be processed by Bell Living Lab into renewable biomaterials. In addition to education, this program also opens up opportunities
increasing farmer income through the purchase of coffee waste by Bell Living Lab.
  • 92 Coffee Farmers get education about coffee waste processing.
  • 4.4 Tons of Wasteabsorbed and processed into renewable materials.
  • 2 Members of the Farmers Group get a job
    as operational staff and field coordinator at Bell Living Lab.
  • 1 Coffee waste pulping and drying center for farmers to process coffee waste.
  • Distribution of Waste Processing Support Tools in the form of solar dryers, pulpers, hullers, and flouring machines (1 each) to the Bumi Sinar Mukti Farmers Group in Ciporeat Village.
  • 20% Coffee Income Increase after participating in the coffee waste processing program.


BenihBaik.com launched the NTT Healthy Generation program, a holistic program to reduce the prevalence of stunting cases in Komodo Village, the only village on Komodo Island and located in the Komodo National Park area. This program provides Additional Food Packages (PMT) for toddlers, supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and relevant education for the community, especially parents of toddlers and pregnant mothers.
Key activities include physical activity training for pregnant and lactating mothers, education for villagers to improve basic sanitation practices, and education for pregnant mothers and parents of toddlers about the importance of choosing nutritious foods.
  • 20 Toddlers get PMT during
    48 times in 3 months.
  • 10 Pregnant & Breastfeeding Mothers get health supplements.
  • 10 Pregnant Women get physical activity session facilities.
  • 1 Coffee waste pulping and drying center for farmers to process coffee waste.
  • 40 Komodo Village Communities consisting of pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, parents of toddlers and the surrounding community received health education and sanitation and hygiene education.
  • 40% Toddler experienced an increase in weight and height.


BIKI replicated BIKI Point as a food loss prevention and digitalization point at the Vegetable Farmers Group packing house in one of the vegetable centers in Pangalengan, West Java, collaborating with 50 farmers and empowering 15 women as post-harvest fruit and vegetable packing workers.
BIKI provides ongoing assistance in accordance with Good Handling Practice (GHP) standards, the use of Chitasil Edible Coating innovations that have been proven to extend the shelf life of vegetables, and the use of the BIKI Trace application which helps digitize the vegetable recording, financial, and traceability systems.
  • 50 Vegetable Farmersestablish partnerships with BIKI and receive sustainable agricultural expertise.
  • 15 Women empowered as packing staff at BIKI Point Pangalengan.
  • 50 Ton prevention of carbon emissions due to food loss.
  • 100 Tons of Vegetablessaved from the possibility of food loss.
  • 5 BillionPrevention of economic losses due to food loss.


Midwives are at the forefront of maternal and child health services and live among the community, so midwives also need digitalization of health data.
eHealth.co.id actively provides education to 215 midwives on the use of RME while integrating data into the government's SATUSEHAT. Through this training, 4,158 patient RMEs have been inputted and 85 independent midwife practices have been successfully integrated into SATUSEHAT.
In the long term, the eHealth initiative contributes to reducing stunting rates and improving the health status of mothers and children.
  • 215 Independent Midwife Practice received training on the use of Digital Medical Records, as many as 138 PMB in Malang Raya and 77 PMB spread across 13 provinces, 46 districts/cities.
  • 4,158 Electronic Medical Records successfully input by the Midwife.
  • 85 Independent Midwife Practicesuccessfully integrated into the SatuSehat ecosystem and is able to serve patient data verification for SatuSehat KYC.


Fairatmos developed the Fire Hotspot Detection feature on AtmosWatch, which is Fairatmos' monitoring software for environmental projects, especially forestry. This feature is connected to NASA FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System) which detects hotspots found within the project area in real-time and displays them on the AtmosWatch dashboard.
Forest areas in the Blora region, Central Java, are one of the locations for implementing Fire Hotspot Detection. Field teams in forest areas utilize this feature to receive notifications of hotspots in forest areas so they can respond 1 hour faster and take preventive action before the fire spreads.
  • Score 4 out of 5 related to customer satisfaction.
  • 50% Improved Response Time from forest fires, initially 2 hours to 1 hour.
  • 3.75 Hectares of Land per Fire saved due to increased response time.
  • 1,125 tons of Co2 per day per fire not released into the air due to increased response time.


“Mushroom Farming: From Waste to Blessing”, namely empowering farmers through the utilization of the potential of sawdust waste as a planting medium in oyster mushroom cultivation.
Starting from the crop failure conditions that occurred in the Karangasem area, Bali 5 years ago, Gede Jamur sought alternative sources of income for farmers and efforts to control environmental pollution caused by the burning of sawdust waste.
  • 41 Farmers & Mothers in Pidpid Village received technical training in oyster mushroom cultivation.
  • 25.933 successfully produced.
  • 2,056 Kg successfully harvested.
  • 5 Female Workers dIn Pidpid Village, people get jobs as mushroom baglog media makers.
  • 30 Tons of Sawdust Waste processed into mushroom growing media.
  • 82% Revenue Increase experienced by farmers, especially farmers who are members of the Pertiwi Mesari Farmers Group.
  • 180% Revenue Increase experienced by women who make mushroom bags before joining.


Concerned about the impact of poor air quality due to industrial activities, Greenlabs has created an innovation in the form of an industrial-scale photo tank using green algae as carbon capture to reduce the concentration of CO₂ in the air. As many as 10 green algae photo tanks can absorb up to 1 ton of CO₂ per cycle from 1 chimney. After the carbon emissions are absorbed, the green algae can be harvested for green investment in biomass.
This innovation has been implemented in PT. Zeus Kimiatama Indonesia (ZEKINDO), one of Greenlabs' industrial partners in the Jababeka Industrial Estate. A total of 40 factory workers are protected from respiratory infections caused by CO₂ pollutants from factory activities.
  • 40 Factory Worker protected from respiratory infections caused by factory emissions.
  • 100 Stakeholder from the Jababeka Industrial Estate and the government received socialization and education regarding the climate crisis and air pollution.
  • 215 Kg Co2 Emissions successfully reduced through the Microalgae Phototank.
  • 1 Ton Algae Filtrate for bioremediation of Microalgae Phototank.


Ikanesia seeks to optimize milkfish commodities through partnerships with fish farmers to barter environmentally friendly fish feed with milkfish. Furthermore, milkfish is processed into presto by local mothers
as nutritional intervention material for children in the Kebalen area, Bekasi Regency.
This step is Ikanesia's commitment to realizing a sustainable blue economy to improve food security, economy, social and community welfare.
  • 30Kg Milkfish Waste successfully processed.
  • 21 Fish Farmers get help with fish feed.
  • 300Kg successfully processed.
  • 4 Mothers gain empowerment and gain knowledge in processing milkfish.
  • 140 Children get processed milkfish for improvement and increase in nutrition.


Through the SafePrenatal project, the Indonesian Prenatal Institute provided 55 free preeclampsia screenings to pregnant women, published 1 scientific journal article on preeclampsia screening, increased public awareness of preeclampsia through the publication of a short film, and provided preeclampsia screening training to midwives and doctors.
This effort is made to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates due to preeclampsia and produce a healthier generation of Indonesians.
  • 45% Preeclampsia Incident successfully reduced to 2,19% in the implementation population.
  • 55 Free Preeclampsia Screening & PGIF Examination.
  • 1 Clinic as a Screening Center.
  • 1 Scientific Publication on Preeclampsia Screening.
  • 1 Short Film about Preeclampsia was published as part of a digital campaign.
  • 160 General Practitioners & Midwives attend the Safe Prenatal Series training.
  • 2 OBGYN Specialist Doctors join the ultrasound sharing session project “Sonogrouper”.



Companionship for Adolescents as Resilient Empowerment (CARE) is a peer support program aimed at addressing the risk of mental health disorders in adolescents aged 10-18 years. This program includes mental health education for peer mentors and teachers, training in creating modules in microsites, and advocacy in the school environment.
The focus of this program is to create mental health support for the healthy at-risk youth population within the school ecosystem as well as advocacy for the creation of Mental Health Protection Policy Guidelines in Schools.
  • 3 Material Modules regarding Adolescent Mental Health, Psychological First Aid & Suicide First Aid.
  • 1 Interactive Module regarding Safeguarding Policy.
  • 6 Policy Guide Maintaining Mental Health formed from 6 intervention schools in Jabodetabek.
  • 22,57% Schools experienced increased school literacy regarding PFA, SFA, and adolescent mental health.
  • 42 Teachers and School Staff trained as a first aider and mental health care companion in the school environment as a Peer Companion.
  • 89% Teacher approved training modules to improve mental health literacy.
  • 117 High School/Vocational High School/equivalent Students have knowledge of Psychological First Aid and Suicide First Aid and have mental health literacy to support peers.


The challenge of access to clean water and irrigation for agriculture, especially during the dry season experienced by farmers in the Tuban area, East Java, has made Jokeen Energy want to answer this challenge.
Through the Pikiran Terbaik Negeri program, Jokeen Energy created a solar-powered water pump to make it easier for farmers in Tuban to irrigate their rice fields at a more affordable price. If previously farmers had to spend 1-2 million rupiah for water access, this time they only need to spend 400-500 thousand rupiah for the maintenance costs of the renewable energy water pump which is then managed by BUMDes.
  • 10 Farmers get access to water with solar powered electric pumps.
  • 30% Reduction of Operational Costs for farmers who no longer need to buy diesel for their water pumps after being replaced with solar pumps.


In the process of adopting digital technology, especially the Artificial Intelligence technology value chain, the Health Office of South Sorong Regency collaborates with Nexmedis in accelerating the implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Nexmedis' EMR with AI technology helps health workers in South Sorong optimize health services and facilitate clinical administration.
This initiative makes it easier for the Health Office to monitor public health conditions based on aggregate data from all health centers under the auspices of the South Sorong District Health Office.
During the Best Minds in the Country project, Nexmedis succeeded in increasing the number of health facilities using RME from 0% to 100% (16 Health Centers in South Sorong) with 515 registered users consisting of 90% health workers and 10% non-health workers.
  • 16 Health Facilitiesin South Sorong Regency have accounts and access to electronic medical records with AI technology Nexmedis.
  • 515 Users has a Nexmedis electronic medical record account consisting of 90% health workers and 10% non-health workers.
  • 51% Patient Data  that has been input into the electronic medical record has been sent to SatuSehat.


The implementation of Solar Powered Mini Cold Storage and Freezer Ice Maker in Bungin Island Fisherman Village, Sumbawa aims to increase the storage capacity of fishermen's catches efficiently and sustainably. This program utilizes solar energy to support cold storage and ice production, thereby reducing dependence on conventional electricity.
This activity also involves training local fishermen to optimize the use of technology, support the quality of their catch, and increase their income.
  • 10 Fishermen get
    Benefits of using mini cold storage and freezer ice maker.
  • 30 Ice Blocks produced daily to support the storage of fishermen's catches.
  • 300 Kg Storage of Fishermen's Catch.
  • 50% Savings on electricity operating costs.


Psikologimu helps achieve Indonesia Emas 2045 by reducing unemployment rates through career, education, and mental health consultations. Psikologimu helps job seekers including students to minimize the gap between the world of work and themselves and manage negative emotions through counseling, advice, and interview practice with career psychologists and practitioners.
Psikologimu also provides counseling services for companies or corporations, one of which is Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) which has been using Psikologimu services since 2023. BSI employees can access online counseling for free through the Psikologimu application, helping them deal with personal and work-related problems.
  • 122 Free Mental Health Consultation with topics on education, career and personal.
  • 29% The client underwent Mental Health Consultation again with Psikologimu.


Access to proper education is the right of all citizens, including the next generation of coconut farmers in Banyuasin, Palembang. Through the Pikiran Terbaik Negeri program, Kulaku provides scholarships to children of coconut farmers to continue their education to college and access to soft skills classes that can support their careers in the future. This initiative was realized to improve the quality of life and welfare of coconut farmer families.
With the spirit of improving the welfare and sustainability of coconut farmers' businesses, Kulaku also provides access to farmers to sell their coconuts to the Kulaku Coconut Hub according to market prices and free from the ijon system that strangles many coconut farmers in Banyuasin.
  • 5 Coconut Farmer's Children get help with registration fees & college tuition fees.
  • 13 Recipient My Scholarship get training and mentoring to develop interests and talents.
  • 26 Coconut Farmers Kulaku foster children get easy access to coconut distribution and receive intensive training.
  • 10,000+ Potential Consumers has been connected and has the potential to support the sustainability of the Kulaku impact program.


Kreasi Plastik Untuk Negeri is an initiative to recycle low-value plastic waste such as LDPE and Multilayer into sustainable fashion products through traditional weaving techniques.
Through this project, Recycling Village aims to not only reduce plastic pollution, but also empower women craftsmen in Air Naningan Village, Lampung, by providing new skills and economic opportunities. The project is expected to create significant social and environmental impacts by combining innovation and preservation of local culture.
  • 8 Marginalized Women in Air Naningan Village received training in plastic waste processing skills using traditional weaving techniques.
  • 109 General Public educated about climate action through interactive recycling workshop activities at the Interactive Workshop Center (IWC) Recycling Village.


Rezycology builds a commercial plastic waste collection facility (PET, PP, HD) in Ciasem District, Subang Regency, West Java. The strategic location of the facility attracts plastic waste suppliers from various regions in West Java. Rezycology provides a recycling monitoring system through a mobile application and an integrated dashboard to strengthen the operational aspects of plastic waste recycling.
Rezycology empowers 20 collectors as plastic waste suppliers, some of whom employ vulnerable women as sorters. With education and assistance from Rezycology, female sorters can minimize plastic waste residue to 5% which helps increase the selling price to offtakers.
  • 256 TonPlastic waste is recycled during the project.
  • 45 Informal Sector Actors (Stalls/Collectors) get access to digitalized plastic recycling monitoring.
  • 187 Plastic Waste Collectors get 10% higher incentives from plastic waste sales.
  • 170 Ton CO₂ emissions are saved from plastic recycling.
  • 4 Empowerment of the Informal Sector spread across Ciamis, Cirebon, Majalengka, Subang.


IndonesiaDengar aims to empower 750 BK teachers to improve the mental health of more than 20,000 students through First Aid Training for Psychological Wounds (PELUK) and early detection of students' mental health conditions with Riliv for Education software. This program focuses on providing timely mental support, in order to create a strong and confident generation who will get the mental support they need in a timely manner, grow more resilient, and be ready to face the future with confidence.
This is intended to create a generation that is mentally strong and confident in facing the future, by empowering BK teachers as the main pillar in maintaining students' mental health in schools.
  • 742 Guidance and Counseling Teachers get PELUK Training and access to Riliv for Education tools.
  • 412 Schools using Riliv for Education services.
  • 30% Students Those who require further treatment will receive curative services such as counseling, meditation, or journaling.
  • 49.47% Teachers experienced an increase in understanding of the material.
  • 25,867 Students have been screened for their mental health conditions.


PV Boat Charging Station is a renewable energy application that integrates solar panels, battery management systems, and electric motor boats to help tourist fishermen in Oeseli Village, Rote Ndao.
The scarcity and high cost of fuel in Rote means that this innovation has a significant economic impact, where tourist fishermen can save up to 60-80% in fuel costs.
The use of renewable energy also encourages green tourism because it uses clean, low-carbon energy. During the day, fishermen can charge their electric motorboat batteries and at night fishermen can exchange the exhausted batteries for new, fully charged batteries. The motorboats used have a capacity of 5-10HP, the batteries used have a capacity of 48V 100Ah, and the solar panel systems used vary according to needs.
  • 3 Tourism Aware Fishermen Groups (Pokdarwis) in Oeseli Village received technical training on solar panel electricity and electric boat technology.
  • 5 Liters per Trip
    from the use of Solar fuel.
  • 12 Kg Co2 daily carbon emission reduction of each ship.
  • 70% Increased Income Tourist Fishermen since using EV Boat due to decrease in diesel fuel purchases.