Knitting Togetherness at the Ruang Tumbuh Social Event
Yayasan BUMN
Jakarta, November 3, 2024 – A warm atmosphere and a spirit of togetherness were felt at the RW 03 Community Hall, Pegangsaan Dua Urban Village, Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta. The Ruang Tumbuh Friendly Event held that day was a special moment for around 100 residents and local officials, including the Pegangsaan Dua Urban Village Head, Kelapa Gading Sub-district Head, Kelapa Gading Health Center Head, and collaborating partners. This activity marked the peak of the Ruang Tumbuh program in the area, as an expression of gratitude for the contribution of all parties in supporting this program.
On this occasion, it was attended by the Head of RW, Secretary of Pegangsaan Dua Sub-district, and Chief of Program & Operation from BUMN Foundation. They appreciated the active role of residents and partners who have worked together during the program.

"We from the Ruang Tumbuh Program team are very happy to be able to work together with partners and sponsors in particular. This program would not have been possible without the support and assistance of various sponsors, especially the Temasek Foundation. We hope that this program can be expanded to other points according to the expectations of the community," said Heru as the Program Manager of Health of the BUMN Foundation.

As a symbol of commitment, a symbolic handover was also carried out from the foundation to the residents, marking the shared responsibility in maintaining the Community Hall facilities which now also function as a Posyandu.
Several Collaborator Partners of Ruang Tumbuh Program such as Thousand Days Fund, Sahabat Gizi, Livewell, Pupla Project, and Parentalk also participated in enlivening this Friendly Activity in order to provide appreciation and recognition for local residents who helped run the Ruang Tumbuh program. Although the Ruang Tumbuh activity has officially ended, the Ruang Tumbuh Posyandu must continue to run.

Several residents expressed their gratitude and appreciation that the program not only increased their understanding of nutrition and healthy eating patterns, but also brought real changes to their daily lives. The togetherness that was built in RW 03 is proof of how much can be achieved when they work together, supporting each other.
The event closed with a prize draw and shared meal, bringing laughter and warmth that filled the Community Hall. That day, everyone went home with a richer heart: togetherness, knowledge, and hope. The Ruang Tumbuh program is now not just a program, but a beginning for change. May this spirit of togetherness continue to burn, becoming an inspiration that brings benefits and encourages the creation of a healthy, strong, and loving environment for future generations, not only in RW 03, but throughout the country.