Save the Children and Asia Venture Philanthropy Network Collaboration: Together Achieving Optimal Health for Indonesian Children
Yayasan BUMN
Jakarta, October 31, 2024 – Save the Children Indonesia and Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) successfully held the “Leadership Connect: Save the Children Board Engagement Gathering” event on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at The Westin Jakarta. Carrying the theme “A Healthier Start in Life for Children,” the event was enlivened by inviting corporate leaders, government officials, and health experts to discuss strategic solutions and collaborations that have a real impact on the health of Indonesian children.
Child health in Indonesia, especially related to neonatal mortality (newborn mortality rate) and stunting (chronic malnutrition), are still serious challenges. Although the stunting rate has decreased, the newborn mortality rate remains high, making it necessary for Indonesia to strengthen its commitment and cross-sector collaboration to accelerate the achievement of national health targets.
Through this event, Save the Children wants to open a collaborative space for corporate and public sector leaders to engage in strategic efforts that bring meaningful change to children across the country.
The participation of the BUMN Foundation in this event aims to align its mission through the 'Ruang Tumbuh' program, an initiative that focuses on maternal and child health through the empowerment of integrated health posts (posyandu). By providing health screening for children, training posyandu cadres, and supporting education for mothers on optimal child health standards, the BUMN Foundation is committed to expanding the positive impact of this program to various corners of Indonesia.

"The prevalence data of stunting in percentage is indeed large in the eastern region, but if you look at the stunting population figures in urban areas, it cannot be said to be low. The BUMN Foundation with Ruang Tumbuh focuses on urban areas as action research and opens up opportunities for collaboration with various parties to accelerate the handling of stunting," said Irena as a representative of the BUMN Foundation.
With the initiative taken by Save the Children, it is hoped that this step can help build a more inclusive and strong health ecosystem, ensuring that every Indonesian child has the opportunity to grow up healthy, happy and prosperous.